Randy Bedoya

This is a webpage for the #1 king, Randy Bedoya.

Stuff Randy says a lot:

  1. Stop touching me!
  2. Yo mama!
  3. Ayo! *insert name* Did you just fart?

Basic Info About Randy:

His full name is: Randy Bedoya Rueda Bedoya Salamanca Monsalbes Torres Builes Ortega

He's Colombian.

Birthday: June 7th, 2004

High School: Academy of Finance and Enterprise

Randy's Favorite Shows:

  1. The Office
  2. Parks and Recreation
  3. Lucifer



Randy doesn't really like the music that's popular right now. He's a classic rock type of kid! He listened to Pop Punk before and said "Nah, this ain't it". Then he decided to listen to some Rock and said "Nah, this ain't it" again. FINALLY, he came across Classic Rock.

Long story short--Spotify recommended Classic Rock for him.

His favorite bands are:
  1. Led Zeppelin
  2. Nirvana
  3. Kiss

I hope you enjoy this webpage of Randy. He's an alright person :) but he's pretty funny